Monday, August 25, 2014

big plans

I was going to turn on my computer, settle in with a cup of tea, and write some witty quips or insights.

Plan B: Use phone, the replacement phone, and possibly half-ass my way through a post while not crinkling the matress protector thing on our bed sharing bed. The matress covers should come with a noise rating.

I have heard talk and read tales of this thing referred to as The Ache. Some always present longing for just one more baby. I lack this. I have tried to pick at my subconscious for any evidence of longing but I cannot find a thing but thankfulness for all we do have in this family of 3.

I held a perfect 3 month old human today. I loved her instantly but no ache. Just joy that her mama has another wee one to cherish.

I am content and blessed and 100%  ache free.

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